The High Speed winch enables a vehicle or multiple vehicles to be pulled into an object, another vehicle or hazardous area at speed. A pre-rigged guide cable/cables system is used where the end impact or result would deem it unsafe to allow a stunt performer to physically drive the vehicle.
The stunt vehicle is rigged with a steering control arm which attaches to the pre-rigged guide cable, the vehicle is also fitted with a remotely operated braking system should the need to abort is required, this allows the vehicle to be brought to a controlled stop before impact.
This rig can also be used to simulate a vehicle head-on collision situation, with terminal speeds in excess of 90mph.
This rig has been used on a number of TV and film shoots, Inc ITV Hollyoaks train roll, multiple car impacts on the TV drama collision & a number of sequences in Fast & Furious 6.